Senate Ag DemocratsVerified account


Updates from the Office of Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry

Washington, DC
Joined January 2011

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  1. Ended a great day in MI by talking market conditions & rules w/ local in Breckenridge

  2. Just learned a lot @ Crop Production Services & had good talk w/ local in Henderson, MI

  3. Our thanks to Commissioner for visiting with some of Michigan's great AG leaders last week!

  4. Agricultural biotechnology is good for producers&consumers.That's why I support compromise bill 4 national GMO label

  5. Nationwide, Mandatory bill is a win for families and consumers. Get the facts:

  6. Grateful for the support from the United Food and Commercial Workers for a mandatory, nationwide system.

  7. That Vermont label you keep hearing about? It’s only on ONE of these cans of soup. How does that make sense?

  8. Vermont’s law covers only 1% of Americans, exempts >25,000 products just because they contain meat.

  9. Right now, about 1% of Americans have the right to know about . Senate bill makes that 100%.

  10. Organics have always been non-GMO and the Senate bill strengthens organics.

  11. In Vermont law, anything made with even a tiny bit of meat is exempt. Senate bill labels both.

  12. In a country of 300,000,000, why should only 626,000 people have the right to know?

  13. I believe in science, says -that’s why I know change is real & why I know is safe.

  14. It’s ironic that people who want only an on-pack label quote FDA – who has said NO to labeling GMOs because they are NOT a health risk!

  15. Did You Know? According to more than 82% of all U.S. households own a smartphone and that # continues to grow!

  16. Huge thanks to for negotiating the very best deal possible given current political reality.

  17. Both pizzas made with . Vermont law only labels one. Senate bill has for both. Mandatory.

  18. Consumers who want this info will be able to get it. Mandatory, nationwide labeling for the 1st time.

  19. Both soups contain but under VT’s law only 1 gets label. Senate bill is nationwide, mandatory.

  20. Why would vegetarian product get label but not the other? Senate bill covers 25,000 more products than Vermont.

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