JEC DemocratsVerified account


The U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee studies the economy and analyzes economic policies. Ranking Democrat:

Washington, D.C.
Joined February 2010

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  1. Fewer manufacturing jobs in US, but more high-value jobs like R&D, design, marketing

  2. Our report: signs of manufacturing returning to US

  3. Esteemed economist Alice Rivlin will be our witness at 9/8 hearing on US Debt

  4. employs 1.8 Million Americans according to our new report

  5. Our new report says Americans spent $380 Billion on in 2015

  6. NY, AK, HI, WA, CT lead nation in highest union participation.

  7. Union membership rate and share of workers with DB pensions both down since 1980.

  8. Middle-income families have taken home a smaller share of income as union membership has declined.

  9. Since 1973, as union membership has dropped share of income to top 10% has increased.

  10. In 2015, 14.8M Americans belonged to a union. Happy !

  11. As of August 2016 there were nearly 160M Americans in the labor force. Happy !

  12. down to 4.9% from a recession-high of 10.0%. Happy !

  13. Happy ! The ratio of workers to job openings is down to 1.4 to 1; had been as high as 6.6/1

  14. Happy ! The US economy has added 15M during its recovery from the

  15. NY, AK, HI, WA, CT lead nation in highest union participation.

  16. Union membership rate and share of workers with DB pensions both down since 1980.

  17. Middle-income families have taken home a smaller share of income as union membership has declined.

  18. Since 1973, as union membership has dropped share of income to top 10% has increased.

  19. In 2015, 14.8M Americans belonged to a union. Happy !

  20. As of August 2016 there were nearly 160M Americans in the labor force. Happy !

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