Privacy Policy

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is one of many legislative committees in the United States Senate. What follows is the Committee's online privacy policy, which governs personal information gathered on our Internet site (

Our Commitment
The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation respects your privacy. Personal information is accessible only by staff or volunteers designated to handle online complaints or requests.

Information the Senate May Collect
The Senate servers collect standard statistical information about the number of visitors to our site, the Web sites our visitors use to locate and link to our site, and the Web domains or IP addresses our visitors are from. This information is used only for the purposes of evaluating and improving our Web site, and will never be used for marketing purposes.

Other Web sites
The Committee's web site contains links to other Web sites that are not operated by us. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these Web sites. We make video available through RealNetwork's Media-Player, which operates under its own privacy and security policies.

Contact Us
At any time you may contact the Committee with any privacy questions or concerns that you may have.
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