Press Releases

March 2020

Date Title
3/2/20 Carper Joins Markey, Eshoo in Amicus Brief Urging the Supreme Court to Protect Consumers from Unwanted Robocalls
3/2/20 Carper Asks EPA IG to Open Investigation into Process Irregularities and Potential Illegalities Associated with the SAFE Vehicles and Secret Science Rules

February 2020

Date Title
2/28/20 Carper Speaks to Students at Delaware’s 1st Annual Youth Environmental Summit
2/27/20 Senators to CEQ: Trump Administration’s NEPA Proposal is Hallmark of Entrenched Climate Denial
2/27/20 Senators Carper, Markey, and Colleagues Call on Trump Admin. to Withdraw Proposal That Would Ignore Climate, Economic, Environmental Impacts of Federal Projects
2/13/20 Carper Votes to Prevent Unauthorized War with Iran
2/13/20 Carper Highlights Reckless Health Care Cuts in President Trump’s Latest Budget
2/12/20 Carper, Wyden, Senate Democrats Push for Action on Energy Tax Policy
2/11/20 33 Senators Introduce Legislation to Achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the U.S. by No Later Than 2050
2/10/20 Top EPW Democrat: One Year Later, EPA gets a D- on Implementation of its PFAS Action Plan
2/10/20 Carper: President Trump’s Budget Proposal Undercuts EPA’s Promise of a ‘Stronger Future’
2/6/20 Carper, Coons Join 19 Democratic Colleagues to Question Agreements Used by the Trump Administration to Expel Asylum Seekers to Northern Triangle Countries
2/5/20 Carper, Whitehouse Demand Answers from EPA on Withheld or Delayed Funding for State Environmental Agency Group (ECOS)
2/5/20 Carper, Johnson, Peters, Braun Applaud House Passage of Bipartisan Bill to Crackdown on Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in Improper Payments
2/5/20 Opening Statement of Ranking Member Carper: Oversight of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service