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Burchett Opinions

U.S. Capitol image
March 1, 2022
Burchett Opinions

This article was originally featured in the Knoxville News Sentinel

Everyone knows President Biden will spin his administration’s policies during Tuesday night’s State of the Union, but that’s not why East Tennesseans should tune in.

Viewers should watch how President Biden takes zero accountability for the following major issues or avoids addressing them altogether.


U.S. Capitol
February 2, 2022
Burchett Opinions

This article was originally featured in The Hill on February 2, 2022

Many thought the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics would help China transition to democracy. That did not happen. Over a decade later, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still prioritizes power over the freedom of its citizens, respect for neighboring countries, and good-faith partnerships with the international community. 

Picture of DC Capitol
July 26, 2021
Burchett Opinions

This article was originally featured in the Wall Street Journal on July 26, 2021

U.S. Capitol
June 18, 2021
Burchett Opinions

This article was originally featured in the Washington Examiner on June 18, 2021

January 4, 2021
Burchett Opinions

We need to modernize transportation and infrastructure without blowing up the deficit

This article was originally featured on Rep. Burchett's official website on January 4, 2021

January 3, 2021
Blog Post

Editorials historically came about as a means to let the average person know the opinions of the editors and publishers of newspapers and magazines.

Eventually editors realized that added interest in their newspapers and magazines could be sparked by allowing readers to express their opinions on the page opposite the editorial, and the modern op-ed was invented. Today 'editorial' and 'op-ed' are often used interchangeably to refer to any written piece expressing an opinion on the issues of the day, whether in a magazine, a newspaper, or a website.

January 3, 2021

When a Member of Congress is given time to formally express an opinion or make a statement on an issue before the House, they are said to have the 'floor' of the House, and their views are referred to as a 'Floor Speech'.

How House Members are allotted time to speak, or sometimes observe silence, are adapted from rules of order originally written by Thomas Jefferson. The speeches and other proceedings of the House are published daily in the Congressional Record.

Business man hand drawing a graph
October 29, 2020
Burchett Opinions

Elected officials must set aside agendas, work together on COVID-19 response

This article was originally featured in the Knoxville News Sentinel on October 29, 2020