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Naval War College Review

Volume L, Number 4, Sequence 360
Autumn 1997

President's Notes


Planning for Tomorrow's Conflicts: A Recipe for Success
General Richard I. Neal, U.S. Marine Corps

The Navy RMA War Game Series: April 1995-November 1996
Captain Edward A. Smith, U.S. Navy

Logistical Implications of Operational Maneuver from the Sea
Lieutenant Mark W. Beddoes, U.S. Navy

Host Nation Support, Responsibility Sharing, and Alternative Approaches to U.S. Bases in Japan
Paul S. Giarra

Soccer Fields and Submarines in Cuba: The Politics of Problem Definition
Patrick J. Haney

Surviving the Peace: The Advent of American Naval Oceanography, 1914-1923
Gary E. Weir

Today's Officer Corps: A Repository of Virtue in an Anarchic World?
Joel H. Rosenthal

In My View

Letters to the Editor

Set and Drift

In Retrospect: The Employment of Antiship Missiles
Lieutenant Commander Asen Kojukharov, Bulgarian Navy
A Case for Maneuverability
Rear Admiral Yedidia "Didi" Ya'ari, Israel Navy

Book Reviews

(First 5 of 20 reviews, in order as printed)

War and Existence: A Philosophic Inquiry,
by Michael Gelven, reviewed by John D. Becker

The Next War,
by Caspar Weinberger and Peter Schweizer, reviewed by Robin K. Myers

Uncivil War: International Security and the New Internal Conflicts,
by Donald M. Snow, reviewed by Dominic J. Caraccilo

Ocean Governance: Strategies and Approaches for the 21st Century,
edited by Thomas A. Mensah, reviewed by James W. Crawford

Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age,
by Keith B. Payne, reviewed by Jack A. Gottschalk

Our Cover: Autumn 1997

"The BAR Man"--a Marine in the first wave of the 19 February 1945 assault on Iwo Jima fires his Browning automatic rifle in a cover painting (and on the reverse of the print edition, a pen-and-ink sketch) by Colonel Charles Waterhouse, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Retired. Colonel Waterhouse was a rifleman in the Pacific War, and from 1972 to 1992 he was the Corps' artist in residence; in the print edition, see a notice of his Marines and Others, which collects his work about Marines and his other favorite subjects. (Painting and sketch reproduced by the kind permission of the artist.)