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Naval War College Review

Volume L, Number 3, Sequence 359
Summer 1997

President's Notes


What Color Is the Peacekeeper's Helmet?
Myron H. Nordquist

Naval Maneuver Warfare
Captain Wayne P. Hughes, Jr., U.S. Navy, Retired

Proliferation: Scope, Prospects, and Implications
Philip L. Ritcheson

Chile, Mar Presencial, and the Law of the Sea
James L. Zackrison and Lieutenant Commander James E. Meason, U.S. Naval Reserve

Mahan's Forebears: The Debate over Maritime Strategy, 1868-1883
Benjamin L. Apt

In My View

Letters to the Editor

Set and Drift

The Artist, the Historian, and the USS Constitution
William Gilkerson and Commander Tyrone Martin, U.S. Navy, Retired

Book Reviews

(First 5 of 20 reviews, in order as printed)

Military Innovation in the Interwar Period,
edited by Williamson Murray and Allan R. Millett, reviewed by F.G. Hoffman

The Laws of War: Constraints on Warfare in the Western World,
edited by Michael Howard, George J. Andreopoulos, and Mark R. Shulman, reviewed by Michael N. Schmitt

Law on the Battlefield,
by A.P.V. Rogers, reviewed by Leslie C. Green

The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The Triumph of the West,
edited by Geoffrey Parker, reviewed by Cole C. Kingseed

The New Military in Russia: Ten Myths That Shape the Image,
by Richard F. Staar, reviewed by Brenda J. Vallance

Our Cover:

The last capture of a ship (an American slaver) by the frigate USS Constitution--the two-hundredth anniversary of whose launching, and 199th of whose first underway period, are being observed this summer. For a great deal more information about the ship and about this issue's cover painting by William Gilkerson, see Mr. Gilkerson's and Cdr. Tyrone Martin's essay in our "Set and Drift" department.