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Winter 2002, Vol. LV, No. 1

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President’s Forum

When Lawyers Advise Presidents in Wartime:
Kosovo and the Law of Armed Conflict
James E. Baker

The potentially poor fit between traditional categories of military objective and the reality of conflict in which targets fall on a continuum of judgment between military and civilian becomes more perilous in an age of international scrutiny where good-faith differences of view can take on criminal implications.

The United States and the World

What Do We Mean by "Transformation"?
An Exchange

Andrew L. Ross, Michele A. Flournoy, Cindy Williams, and David Mosher

What is "defense transformation" (by whatever name), and how might it affect strategy? What might it cost, and how could its cost affect military forces? What systemic impediments to implementation does it face, and what are its competitors in the budgetary realm? A distinguished panel of the Secretary of the Navy's Current Strategy Forum held at the Naval War College on 12-13 June 2001 addressed these issues from various perspectives.

Naval Power for a New American Century
Roger W. Barnett

Today, with the free use of the sea, the air over the sea, space, and cyberspace; with the power of information superiority enabled by networking; with long-range precision weapons; with the development of new, abundant, and affordable sensors to illuminate the future battlespace; and with the techniques of information warfare--navies are more able than ever to influence events ashore rapidly, directly, and decisively.

The Beira Patrol
Britain's Broken Blockade against Rhodesia

Richard Mobley

A widely publicized challenge to a 1965 oil embargo against the white-minority regime of the breakaway colony of Southern Rhodesia led Britain to establish, with a Security Council Mandate, an equally publicized maritime blockade--from which, though ineffective and burdensome, the Royal Navy and Air Force could not extricate themselves for nine years. Newly available archival sources illuminate a case study of the political imperatives and rules of engagement of maritime intercept operations.

"No Bad Stories"
The American Media-Military Relationship

Douglas Porch

Media-military relations have always been rocky; the basic explanation is that the natures and goals of the media and the military are fundamentally in tension. Future trends are likely to make these relations more, rather than less, difficult. Nevertheless, the two institutions must recognize that it is in the interests of both to make the relationship work.

Our Special Correspondent
Letter from Iran

Geoffrey Wawro

In My View

Review Essays

A Question of Strategic Nuclear Weapons Policy 
The Price of Dominance: The New Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Challenge to American Leadership,

by Jan Lodal
Nuclear Monopoly, 
by George H. Quester
reviewed by Robert L. Gallucci

Is This the End of the Nation-State?
The Rise of the Virtual State: Wealth and Power in the Coming Century,

by Richard Rosecrance
The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post-Cold War,
by Richard D. Kaplan
A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Hidden Promise of Globalization,
by John Micklethwaite and Adrian Wooldridge

The Lexus and the Olive Tree,

by Thomas L. Friedman
reviewed by Lawrence E. Modisett

Another Look at History
The Royal Navy, Seapower and Strategy between the Wars,

by Christopher M. Bell
reviewed by Paul G. Halpern

Book Reviews

When America Fights: The Uses of U.S. Military Force,
by Donald M. Snow
reviewed by Jonathan E. Czarnecki

Keeping the Edge: Managing Defense for the Future,
edited by Ashton B. Carter and John P. White
reviewed by William E. Turcotte

Principles of Global Security,
by John D. Steinbruner
reviewed by
Sam Tangredi

Holding the Line: U.S. Defense Alternatives for the 21st Century,
edited by Cindy Williams
reviewed by Andrew L. Ross

Implosion: Downsizing the U.S. Military, 1987-2015,
by Bart Brasher
reviewed by Carl Carlson

Winning Ugly: NATO's War to Save Kosovo,
by Ivo H. Daalder and Michael E. O'Hanlon
reviewed by Tom Fedyszyn

Combined Arms Warfare in the Twentieth Century,
by Jonathan M. House
reviewed by Barney Rubel

Technological Change and the United States Navy, 1865-1945,
by William M. McBride
reviewed by James R. FitzSimonds

Admiral Jerauld Wright: Warrior among Diplomats,,
by David M. Key, Jr.
reviewed by J. L. Holloway

Chesty: The Story of Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller, USMC,
by Jon T. Hoffman
reviewed by Cole C. Kingseed

The Gentle Warrior: General Oliver Prince Smith, USMC,
by Clifton La Bree
reviewed by Donald Chisholm

Bomber Harris, His Life and Times: The Biography of Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur Harris, the Wartime Chief of Bomber Command,
by Henry Probert
reviewed by Lorne Breitenlohner