Democratic Leadership

Cost of War in Iraq

Cities For Progress

COngressional Progressive Caucus

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Barbara Lee (CA-09)

H. Con. Res. 197

Declaring that it is the policy of the U.S. not to have permanent military bases in Iraq.

What does the bill do?
This resolution declares that it is the policy of the United States not to enter into any base agreement with the Government of Iraq that would lead to a permanent United States military presence in Iraq.

Why is this bill needed?
We can all agree that we shouldn’t be in Iraq permanently.

President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld have clearly stated that it the United States has no intention to establish permanent bases in Iraq.

This bill simply codifies this sentiment. By adopting this policy, Congress can send a strong and immediate signal to the Iraqi people and the international community that the United States has no intention of staying in Iraq indefinitely.

Who supports it?

Progressive Democrats of America

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Peace Action

Council for a Livable World