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Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)

The Health Security for All Americans Act (H.R. 2133) authored by Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin will:
·        secure health insurance for all Americans,

·        guarantee affordable health care by limiting out-of-pocket expenditures,

·        provide comprehensive health care by guaranteeing a minimum benefit package equal to the benefits offered to Members of Congress,

·        and ensure the quality of health care by providing strong patient protections.

This is not the federal government imposing a one-size fits all program.  My plan differs from others in that it allows each state to select, from an array of plans out there, the one that best meets its needs.  In time, by pooling our knowledge and experience, we’ll find out what works and what doesn’t. 

This legislation creates a federal-state partnership to achieve health care for all, and I believe it is an idea whose time has come.  I’m pleased to say the concept is gaining support from Members on both sides of the aisle who recognize that we simply cannot afford to let our national health care crisis continue.

This country made a commitment centuries ago to guarantee an education to every child.  It is a value we hold dear and one that helps make this country great.

I believe we must make that same commitment to guarantee health care for all in this country.   Like a guaranteed education, access to health care is a fundamental value that strengthens not only our economy, but our democracy.