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Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL-02)

Support Soars For New Voting Rights Amendment

H. J. Res. 28 Has 60 Co-Sponsors

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., introduced House Joint Resolution 28 for a third consecutive Congress.  The resolution proposes to add a new affirmative individual 'right to vote' amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  He introduced it with 54 original co-sponsors and it now has 60 co-sponsors.

Jackson said, "I first introduced the Voting Rights Amendment on November 6, 2001, during the first session of the 107th Congress.  During the entire 107th Congress the bill had zero co-sponsors.  It was re-introduced in the 108th Congress - with no original co-sponsors - and after two years of hard work 45 members signed on as co-sponsors.  The fact that we have 54 original co-sponsors and 60 total in the 109th Congress shows that the idea of adding a Voting Rights Amendment to the Constitution is growing by leaps and bounds.  Original co-sponsors are members who agree to be on the bill when it is introduced.

"Every member of the Congressional Black Caucus is on the bill, plus four members from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, eight members from the Progressive Caucus, and four members from the Women's Caucus.  Our goal is to get a minimum of 100 co-sponsors by the end of the 109th Congress.  I actually believe we can do much better!

"I am truly excited about the progress we are making in fighting for a new Voting Rights Amendment for the American people through a new constitutional amendment," Jackson concluded.