Senator Bond's legislative priorities, which
include a clean environment, restoring inner cities, and improving the health of women and
children are reflected in the legislation he has sponsored and co-sponsored.
Legislation that a Senator has sponsored or co-sponsored does not automatically become a
law. In order to become a law, the legislation must move through the legislative process,
which has many steps:
- Only members of Congress can introduce legislation. The member who introduces the
legislation is the sponsor. There are four basic types of legislation: bills, joint
resolutions, concurrent resolutions, and simple resolutions. When most people think of
legislation, they are thinking of a bill, this is the most common type of legislation.
- Once a bill is introduced it is referred to a committee, the committee studies the bill
and makes any amendments deemed necessary.
- If a bill is voted out of committee it is then debated on the floor of the Senate (or
- If both chambers pass a bill in identical form it is sent to the President. If the
President signs the bill it becomes law.
Check out the Senate Calendar.
Check out the Senate's Roll Call Votes.
View Kit Bond's Sponsored Legislation from the 109th Congress
View Kit Bond's Co-Sponsored Legislation from the 109th Congress