Statement By U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin On H.Res. 575, Opposition To Hamas Participation In Palestinian Authority Elections

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support and as a cosponsor of H. Res. 575, which states that Hamas and other terrorist organizations should not participate in upcoming January 2006 legislative elections held by the Palestinian Authority.  The aims and principles of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist groups are incompatible with the democratic process.  Hamas has continually called for the destruction of Israel by any means, and their involvement in elections puts the Road Map process for peace in the Middle East in jeopardy.

The foundation of the peace process was based upon the Palestinian Authority’s acknowledgment of Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign nation, and their duty to end terrorist attacks from Palestinian soil.  The first stage of the Road Map process calls on the Palestinian Authority to disarm all terrorist groups and their infrastructure.  I am extremely disappointed that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has made such limited progress in dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian territories.

The Palestinian Authority has the ability to dismantle terrorist groups, as their security forces dwarf the size of the Hamas militia by nearly ten times.  A recent survey indicates that the vast majority of the Palestinian people support an immediate end to all forms of violence.  The Palestinian Authority has a unique opportunity under a new President to renounce all forms of terrorism, and move towards securing a lasting peace settlement in the Middle East.

Just as the United States will not negotiate with terrorists, neither will Israel.  Should members of Hamas become part of the Palestinian government, the United States would have to reassess its financial assistance to, and its diplomatic relations with, the Palestinians.

I welcome competitive elections in the Palestinian Authority.  However, no functioning democracies permit terrorist organizations to participate in elections.  Germany, Italy, Turkey and many other nations all prohibit any terrorist groups from participating in elections.  In Iraq and Afghanistan, members of the former Ba’ath Party and the Taliban must renounce any links or support for the former regimes.  Egypt and Jordan do not support the existence of Hamas or other terrorist organizations.  I call for President Abbas to dismantle the terrorist organizations in the Palestinian territories, and to meet his obligations under the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.