Statement By U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin On Iranian Violations Of Nuclear Nonproliferation

Obligations And Referral To U.N. Security Council, H.Con.Res. 341

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.Con.Res. 341, which condemns the Government of Iran for violating its international nuclear nonproliferation obligations, and expressing support for efforts to report Iran to the United Nations Security Council.

Iran is actively seeking weapons of mass destruction, which poses a threat to the national security of the United States and to the world.  Iran has repeatedly violated its obligations to the international community, specifically the 1973 Safeguards Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).  In 2002 the world learned that Iran was illegally continuing to develop a secret nuclear program, which has led to years of negotiations with the international community.  Last August, however, the Iranian government resumed its conversion of uranium.  Earlier this month the IAEA voted 27 to 3 to report Iran to the United Nations Security Council for further action.  I urge the Security Council to use all the tools at its disposal to pressure Iran to meet its commitments to the IAEA.

The House should additionally take up and pass legislation to strengthen the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA).  The House should pass H.R. 282, the Iran Freedom Support Act, which I have co-sponsored.  The bill would strengthen ILSA, provide assistance to pro-democracy groups in Iran, and require that ILSA remain in effect until the President certifies to Congress that Iran has permanently and verifiably dismantled its weapons on mass destruction programs and has committed to combating their proliferation.

I am pleased that the United States has continued to work closely with the international community – including the European Union, Russia, and China – on this urgent matter.  I urge the President to keep Congress fully and current informed on this matter, as called for in this resolution.  I urge the international community to impose economic sanctions designed to deny Iran the ability to develop nuclear weapons.

We cannot allow a rogue nation such as Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.  Iran has actively supported terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.  Iran has funded suicide bombers in Israel and militant organizations elsewhere.  Many of these terrorist groups are seeking weapons of mass destruction (WMD) so that they can kill or injure thousands or even millions of people.  The Iranian President has publicly expressed his hope for “a world without America,” his desire to “wipe Israel off the map,” and has denied the existence of the Holocaust.

I urge my colleagues to support this resolution.