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Cost of War in Iraq

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COngressional Progressive Caucus

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About Us

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was established in the U.S. House of Representatives in the early 1990s. It reflects the diversity and strength of the American people, and we seek to give voice to the needs and aspirations of all Americans and to build a more just and humane society.

The new Co-Chairwomen of the 62-Member Congressional Progressive Caucus, U.S. Representatives Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee, welcome your interest in the growing Progressive Caucus. Our Caucus Members want to do more than speak out against extremism from the Right. We want to take on the Bush Administration's agenda by providing a comprehensive, thoughtful, progressive alternative -- what we call The Progressive Promise -- Fairness for All (PDF).

The Progressive Promise is rooted in four core principles:

1. Fighting for economic justice and security for all;
2. Protecting and preserving our civil rights and civil liberties; and
3. Promoting global peace and security.
4. Environmental Protection & Energy Independence

The fairness plan of the Congressional Progressive Caucus embodies national priorities that are consistent with the values, needs, and aspirations of all the American people -- not just the powerful and privileged. It reflects our fundamental belief in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Accordingly, we will reach out to recruit new members who share our principles and want to join our fight.

Equally important, we are very committed to helping progressives inside and outside of Congress work together more closely and effectively than ever to make good on The Progressive Promise.

Again, we appreciate your interest and we encourage you to sign up to periodically receive e-mail from us, as we work together to build the progressive network throughout America and beyond.