Cardin Co-sponsors Bill to Provide Greater Social Security Benefits For Low-income Widows

WASHINGTON – Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin today announced that he will co-sponsor legislation that would reduce the drop in Social Security income that occurs upon the death of a spouse. Widows and widowers would be guaranteed a benefit equal to 75% of the combined benefits the couple had been receiving prior to the death of one spouse.

The Social Security Widow's Benefit Guarantee Act, HR 4671, would provide higher benefits than widows receive under current law, which only provides benefits equal to what the husband had been receiving prior to his death. Under current law, widows are effectively limited to only 50-67% of what the couple had been receiving.

To assure that the increased benefits are concentrated on those with the greatest need, the increase would be subject to a dollar cap of $1,000 a month, which would be indexed in 2003 and later years.

"Too many spouses end up in poverty upon the death of a spouse. This legislation will help alleviate that by reducing the drop in income that occurs. The goal is to allow widows and widowers on Social Security to maintain their standard of living, even after the death of a spouse." said Rep. Cardin, a member of the Social Security Subcommittee.

Widows are among the poorest of all Social Security beneficiaries. Over the last 30 years, poverty rates among the elderly have fallen from 29% in 1966 to 8.5% in 2000. But among widows the poverty rate remains high at 15% in 2000. It is estimated that the new benefit would help 5 million widows and widowers, one million of whom are currently living in poverty.

The new benefits bill has been endorsed by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, the National Council of Women's Organizations, the Alliance for Retired Americans, the AFL-CIO and the National Women's Law Center.