Statement for Hearing on the Bush Administration's TANF Plan

Mr. Secretary, I know you want to work out a bipartisan agreement to reauthorize the TANF program, and I certainly share that sentiment. In working toward that goal, I hope you will consider four recommendations made by our Nation's Governors to improve the TANF program. 

    First, the Governors have recommended that we provide the States with increased flexibility to determine what mix of training, services and work will best help welfare recipients move into wage-paying jobs. 

    As I look at the Administration's plan, it seems to go in exactly the opposite direction by forcing States to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. 

    Second, the Governors have asked for an inflation increase for the TANF program, without which the value of the block grant will drop 22% in 2007 compared to 1997. I should also point out that while cash caseloads have gone down dramatically, States actually spent $2 billion more on TANF than was provided by the block grant last year since more funding is now dedicated to work supports. 

    Third, the Governors have suggested repealing the current ban on using Federal funds to serve legal immigrants. Such a change would not cost the Federal government anything since it simply provides States with more flexibility to spend funds already allocated to them. 

    And forth, I hope you consider the Governors' suggestion to provide some additional flexibility to the States in providing wage supplements to working TANF recipients. 

    Let me also ask you to consider providing additional resources for child care, especially if we increase the work participation requirements, and that you consider including "reducing poverty and increasing self-sufficiency" as a new core purpose of the TANF program. 

    Finally, I want to make it very clear that there is no disagreement that work must be the central goal of welfare reform. However, there is a clear difference between short-term, unpaid work experience programs and long-term, wage-paying jobs. 

    As we move forward, I hope we will help and encourage States to move individuals from welfare into real jobs so they can work their way out of poverty. 

    Thank you.