Cardin Co-Sponsors Global Warming Bill

Goal Is To Keep Temperatures Below “Tipping Point”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin has co-sponsored legislation that seeks to keep emissions of pollutants below levels that scientists believe may lead to a climatic “tipping point” where large scale, dangerous environmental impacts would occur.  Global warming has been attributed to climate change that threatens sea levels, crop yields, and the stability of worldwide eco-systems.

The Safe Climate Act  (HR 5642), introduced by Rep. Henry A. Waxman, D-CA, would require that U.S. emissions of key pollutants be capped in 2010 and reduced to 1990 levels by 2020.  To achieve emissions reductions, the bill calls for more reliance on clean, renewable energy sources, improved energy efficiency and clean cars.   HR 5642 has also been co-sponsored by Maryland Reps. Elijah Cummings, Albert Wynn and Chris Van Hollen.  Maryland Sen. Paul Sarbanes has co-sponsored a similar bill in the Senate.

“This bill clearly puts us on record that global warming threatens our way of life and action must be taken” said Rep. Cardin.  “The legislation contains achievable solutions that will help tackle this very serious problem before it’s too late.” 

The Congressman also has introduced the American Energy Independence Act to “put America squarely on the road to energy independence” in 10 years.  Many of Rep. Cardin’s proposals to make the United States energy independent also would reduce factors that lead to global warming, such as increased CAFÉ standards for all vehicles and investing in renewable and alternatives fuel technology. 
