Friends School Student Winner of Rep. Cardin's 2004 Arts Competition

Christopher Watt, a junior at The Friends School in Baltimore, is thewinner of Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin’s Third Congressional District 2004 Arts Competition. Christopher’s artwork was a computer print "Very Small New." It will be hung in the U.S. Capitol walkway at a special ceremony on Tuesday, July 13, where it will be on display for one year. In addition, Christopher also received a gift certificate from Southwest Airlines for Smith & Wallensky Steakhouse.

The Third Congressional District Arts Competition was held on April 28 at Tide Point in the Inner Harbor, and included entries from 14 schools in the Third Congressional District. The contest was judged by Joyce Bauerle, President of Locust Point Civic Association, and Christopher Lynch, Chief of Staff for Rep. Cardin.

Runners up include: Joseph Figueiredo a senior at Towson Catholic, Jesse Hayes, a senior at The Key School in Annapolis, and Jackie Littman, a junior at Owings Mills High School. Joseph’s art will be displayed at Rep. Cardin’s Washington Office, Jackie’s art will be displayed at the Congressman’s Baltimore District office, and Jesse’s art will be displayed at the Congressman’s Annapolis District Office.

Mrs. Myrna Cardin, standing in for the Congressman, announced the winner at Wednesday’s event. The Congressman was part of the U.S. delegation attending the Anti-Semitism Conference in Berlin.
