Cardin Visits Iraq and Israel; Says We Have "Window Of Opportunity" In Israel But We Must Rethink Our Strategy In Iraq

BALTIMORE -- US. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin today held a news conference to discuss his four-day congressional delegation trip to Iraq and Israel. The Congressman said that the Iraqi insurgency has been "very effective in intimidation and violence, which has prevented the United States from achieving its objectives." The Congressman is the leading Democrat on the U.S. Helsinki Commission and is a member of the Homeland Security Commission .

Rep. Cardin met with Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, who told the delegation "that mistakes have been made" in the conduct of the Iraqi War. Allawi admitted that the strength of the insurgency should have been anticipated and that the United States should not have dismantled the Iraqi police force.

In addition to meeting with Allawi, the Congressman also met with U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte, U.S. intelligence officials, U.N. and Iraqi election officials and Maryland soldiers with the U.S. Army Third Brigade.

In discussing Interim Prime Minister Allawi’s comment that "mistakes have been made," the Congressman stressed the need to "acknowledge that and work to rectify it by bringing in foreign partners and being more aggressive in the training of Iraq security forces." While the Congressman voted against the resolution to give President Bush the authority to go to war in 2002, he stressed we cannot abandon our objectives.

"If we fail to achieve our objectives in Iraq then the country will become a safe haven for terrorists and we risk the stability of the Middle East region."

The congressional delegation -- which also included, Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-MD; Majority Whip Rep. Roy Blunt, R-MO; Rep. Tom Cole, R-OK and Rep. Mark Kirk, R-IL -- also traveled to Israel, Ramallah and Amman, Jordan. In Israel, the group met with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Labor Party head Shimon Perez, and U.S. Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer,. In Ramallah, they met with Palestinian Minister Saeb Erekat and the Central Election Committee, which is in charge of the Jan. 9 Palestinian election.

"We had an excellent meeting in Israel and with Mr. Arafat’s death there is a window of opportunity to move forward with the peace process. The key is the election of new Palestinian leaders who will work to control the violence."
