Rep. Cardin Announces a $746,550 Homeland Security Grant For Baltimore County Fire Department

BALTIMORE – U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin announced today that the Baltimore County Fire Department has been awarded a $746,550 grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as part of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. The Baltimore County Fire Department will use the grant to purchase 270 portable radios to improve interoperable communications in the event of an emergency.

"Our nation’s firefighters are our first responders in a time a crisis. Sept. 11th taught us that it’s critical that our first responders have the appropriate communications equipment to be able to communicate among each other and with other jurisdictions. This grant will allow the Baltimore County Fire Department to significantly upgrade its communications capabilities," said Rep. Cardin, a member of the Homeland Security Committee which oversees the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

According to Mark Hubbard, Division Chief of the Baltimore Co. Fire Department: "The 270 portable radios will allow the Baltimore County Fire Department to improve safety and interoperability between our fire department and surrounding jurisdictions as we respond to local or regional emergencies."

In 2004, Congress appropriated $750 million in direct assistance to firefighters to improve the effectiveness of firefighter operations, firefighter health and safety programs, and to expand fire prevention programs throughout the United States.

