Cardin Announces $100,000 In Funding For Renovation And Expansion Of Towson YMCA Day Care Center

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin today announced that the House has approved the Congressman’s request for a $100,000 Economic Development Initiative grant to renovate and expand the Towson YMCA Day Care Center.  The funding was including in a FY 2006 appropriations bill that passed the House.

The Towson YMCA currently has 8,000 members and serves 314 children in state licensed day care. Demand for placement in the day care facility far exceeds current capacity. 

“Day care is a key component to the modern workforce.  Parents who know their children are in an excellent facility are much more productive employees.  The Towson YMCA has one of the best centers in the community and my hope is to make quality day care available to more families,” said Rep. Cardin. 

The YMCA currently employees 184 workers, and the Congressman said he expects the expansion will result in more jobs for the Towson area.

Many of the children at the Towson YMCA day care facility have parents working in the Towson business district.  Renovation and expansion of the facility will improve economic development in the Towson area.
