Cardin: Bush Administration Cannot Ignore Key Opportunities For U.S. Exports

Policy must go beyond reports to action if we are to level the playing field for U.S. businesses and workers

WASHINGTON -- The United States Trade Representative (USTR) today released the National Trade Estimates (NTE) report, a government inventory of barriers to U.S. exports of goods and services, investment and intellectual property rights of our trading partners.  In anticipation of this report, House Democratic Leadership joined with members of the Committee on Ways and Means and the New Democrat Coalition on a joint letter to President Bush outlining additional opportunities for the Bush Administration to enforce U.S. trade laws and stand up for American workers and businesses.

“We need to take every opportunity we can to stand up for U.S. trade rights or we will continue to see American jobs move overseas,” cautioned Rep. Cardin.  “Today’s report from USTR can be a foundation for action, but it cannot be the final word if we are to level the playing field for American workers and businesses.”

“Year after year we watch as the list of barriers to U.S. products in overseas markets grows while we tread water in taking specific action,” said Rep. Levin.  “This year, as in past years, the Administration continues to document significant impediments to the U.S. automotive industry in Japan and South Korea, as well as currency manipulation in Japan and China and IPR violations by numerous countries that hurts all U.S. industries.  The Bush Administration too often has responded to these practices with weak rhetoric when it should be taking a stand for U.S. interests by challenging these unfair trading practices at the WTO or though bilateral forums.” 

Specifically, the Democrats’ letter:

• Calls on the Administration to immediately begin enforcing U.S. rights;
• Urges USTR to request immediate consultations with ten key U.S. trading partners;
• Requests USTR file WTO cases
• Outlines the STAND UP FOR AMERICA ACT (H.R. 4733), which creates an independent Congressional Trade Enforcer (CTE)


Letter on NTE Report