Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson
  Press Release October 26, 2006


Signing Barrier Bill into Law Only First Step

Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson applauded the president’s signing of the Secure Fence Act (H.R. 6061) today but pressed the administration to follow through and fund the border security measure.

“Congress has laid the foundation for the beginning of U.S. border security,” said Nelson. “Now it’s up to the administration to build it. We also need to implement tough workplace enforcement provisions that give employers the tools they need to confirm their employees’ legal status.”

Senator Nelson voted last month for the bill that secures one-third of the southern U.S. border with a 700 mile fence. He also voted for the Homeland Security Appropriations Act that allots $1.2 billion for border protection fencing, infrastructure, and technology. However, Congress is withholding $950 million of these funds until the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) submits a plan specifically detailing how DHS intends to spend the funds on border fencing and security.

Two weeks ago Nelson sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff to verify that DHS is moving forward with a plan to construct a fence. “Mr. Secretary, the problems the United States faces at the southern border are not waiting; we need to address these problems immediately by securing our border,” Nelson wrote in the letter.
