HCFA Adopts Cardin Goal of Expanding Medicare Coverage of Clinical Trials for Cancer: President Ordered HCFA to Cover All Clinical Trials

WASHINGTON – Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin, author of the Medicare Cancer Clinical Trial Coverage Act, said the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has finalized its rules regarding Medicare coverage of cancer clinical trials as well as clinical trials for all other diseases. "Advancements made in cancer treatment come through the clinical trial process. Through this process, individuals can obtain access to medical treatments that are not yet on the market, but that offer real hope," said Rep. Cardin.

In June, President Clinton issued an executive memorandum instructing HCFA to reimburse the routine costs associated with clinical trials for cancer as well as all other diseases. In announcing this expansion, President Clinton praised Rep. Cardin for his leadership as an advocate of clinical trials for Medicare beneficiaries. On September 19, HCFA issued the final coverage decision regarding clinical trials.

Rep. Cardin has worked with other members of Congress over the past several years to require Medicare coverage for the routine costs associated with cancer trials of new treatments. Clinical trials are critical to advancements in therapy for cancer and other diseases. For example, clinical trials led to the discovery that breast-conserving surgery -- i.e. lumpectomy -- combined with radiation is as effective in treating breast cancer as the more invasive mastectomy.

However, for years elderly Americans have been dramatically under-represented in clinical trials because of concerns that costs not borne by trial sponsors would not be covered by the Medicare program. As a result, many beneficiaries who could not afford routine costs, such as outpatient hospital charges and laboratory tests, were forced to forego potentially lifesaving care.

"Expanding clinical trials to Medicare is an important step for seniors seeking new, effective treatments against serious illnesses. In the future, Medicare patients will be able to benefit from the most recent developments in medicine and all of us will benefit from the discoveries made in clinical trials," said Rep. Cardin.

For further information about clinical trials for Medicare beneficiaries click on: www.hcfa.gov/quality/8d2.htm