Rep. Cardin Receives Award From Child Welfare League: Congressman Is Honored For Work on Foster Care Bill

WASHINGTON - Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin last night received the Congressional Advocate of the Year Award from the Child Welfare League of America. The Congressman was honored for his sponsorship of the Foster Care Independence Act, which provides greater support services for foster care youths, ages 18 to 21, who are aging out of the foster care system. The bill was signed by the President in December 1999.

Rep. Cardin, Ranking Member of the Ways & Means' Human Resources Subcommittee, was honored along with Rep. Nancy Johnson, Sen. John D. Rockfeller, IV and the late Sen. John Chafee for their bipartisan support of the foster care bill.

Many states stop all support for foster care children when they reach age 18. Follow-up studies of young people exiting from foster care report that without additional support services:

only about half complete high school; approximately 25% experience periods of homelessness; less than half are employed.

"I am honored to receive this award, but I am even more pleased that we were able to get this very important legislation enacted into law. The state is the de facto parent of foster care children and no parent abandons their teenager when he or she turns 18. We have a responsibility to provide financial and employment services, counseling, and education to make sure these young people succeed," said Rep. Cardin.