Rep. Cardin/O'Malley Announce Funds for Main St. Redevelopment

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin today joined with Baltimore City Mayor Martin O’Malley in announcing $540,000 in new funding from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that will enable Baltimore to expand its Main Street program to include the revitalization of additional neighborhood business districts.

In 2000, Mayor O’Malley launched the Baltimore Main Streets program as a comprehensive strategy for commercial district revitalization. As a public-private initiative between Baltimore and the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National Main Street Center, the Main Streets program targets neighborhood business districts where there has been some decline but where there is active community involvement. Since 1980, more than 1,650 communities have taken part in the program.

"The Main Street program allows communities to be involved in the revitalization of their business districts. It builds on all the strengths of our urban centers and gives communities the tools they need to stimulate greater economic activity in their neighborhoods," said Rep. Cardin, who was instrumental in getting the HUD funding.

In 2000, seven Baltimore neighborhoods were designated as Baltimore Main Streets. They include: Bel-Air Edison, East Monument Street, Federal Hill/South Baltimore, Hampden, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Washington Boulevard/Pigtown. Designated communities are expected to conduct independent fundraising efforts, actively participate in the workshops and training sessions, and work collaboratively with other Baltimore Main Street communities.

It is anticipated that the new HUD funding will allow three to five additional city neighborhoods to participate in the program. The Baltimore Main Streets selection committee will be evaluating new applicants.
