Rep. Cardin Appointed To Two Subcommittees On Homeland Security Committee

WASHINGTON - Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin today was appointed to two subcommittees of the newly-created Select Committee on Homeland Security. He will be serve on the Emergency Preparedness and Response Subcommittee and the Infrastructure and Border Security Subcommittee.

As a member of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Subcommittee, the Congressman will focus on preparations for and response to chemical biological, radiological and other attacks on civilian populations; protection of physical infrastructure and industrial assets; issues related to liability arising from terrorist attacks; public health issues; disaster preparedness; coordination of emergency response with and among state and local governments and the private sector; and homeland security technology.

On the Infrastructure and Border Security Subcommittee, Rep. Cardin will be dealing with all border security issues, including preventing the importation of illicit weapons, pathogens, narcotics and other contraband; illegal entry by foreign nationals; land borders; ports and airspace; integration of federal, state, and local immigration law enforcement; protection of highways, bridges, waterways, airports and air transportation, energy supplies and other critical infrastructure from attack; and preservation of critical government business, and financial institutions.

"I am extremely pleased to be appointed to these two subcommittees. Emergency Preparedness and Response and Infrastructure and Border Security are two areas of special interest to me as a representative of the Baltimore-Annapolis-Washington region. Our region is the home to several world-class medical institutions that would be called upon to help in the event of a chemical, biological or radiological attack. In addition, the Port of Baltimore and BWI Airport are two important points of entry into our nation that need to be better secured. We also must do much more to deter a terrorist attack on our rail and commuter lines and along the I-95 corridor," said the Congressman. "It's clear after Sept. 11 and with the War in Iraq that we must aggressively work to ensure that our citizens are safe, protected and prepared."

As a member of these two subcommittees, the congressman will focus on the work and mission of the U.S. Customs Service, the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Directorate of Border and Transportation Security, the Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The Homeland Security Committee is chaired by Rep. Christopher Cox, R-CA, and is composed of 50 House members. It was created to provide congressional oversight to the new Department of Homeland Security.