Cardin Condemns Moran's Comments/Urges Him Not to Seek Reelection

WASHINGTON – Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin today joined five other Jewish members of the House of Representatives in sending a letter to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemning the remarks of Rep. James P. Moran of Virginia in which he blamed the "strong support of the Jewish community for this war in Iraq."

At a forum in Reston, VA on March 3, Rep. Moran also stated that the Jewish community had the power to prevent the war.

The letter to Minority Leader Pelosi stated that Rep. Moran's remarks were wrong, offensive and ignorant and also were "grossly irresponsible, and were given at a sensitive time when inflammatory comments -- regardless of outrageous factual flaws -- can unleash unintended and dangerous consequences."

The letter goes on to state that they hope that Rep. Moran "will decide not to seek reelection to the House" and if he should seek reelection, they will not support his candidacy.

In addition to Rep. Cardin, the other Jewish members signing the letter include: Henry Waxman, CA; Martin Frost, TX; Sander M. Levin, MI; Nita M. Lowey, NY and Tom Lantos, CA.