Cardin Proposes International Tribunal To Try Saddam Hussein And Other Iraqi Officials For Crimes Against Humanity

WASHINGTON - Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin has proposed establishing a U.N. war crimes tribunal to investigate and try Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi officials for crimes against humanity, genocide and other criminal violations of international law.

The Congressman joined a group of bipartisan House members in urging the President to call upon the United Nations to establish an international tribunal. Rep. Cardin was joined by Rep. Curt Weldon, R-PA as lead sponsors of the Resolution calling for a war crimes tribunal.

Rep. Cardin is a member of the Helsinki Commission, which monitors economic security and human rights in Eastern Europe, Russia and the former Soviet Republics. He also has been a strong advocate of the extradition and prosecution of former Yugoslavian dictator Slobodan Milosevic and his lieutenants for war crimes in the former Yugolsavia.

"There is little doubt that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and his top officials ordered Iraqi soldiers to commit atrocities against their own population and against others, including American soldiers. They must be held accountable and the best forum to accomplish that is through the United Nations. The world cannot tolerate atrocities and violations of international law," said Rep. Cardin.