Statement By U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin On Senior Sign-Up For The New Prescription Drug Coverage

“Today, Maryland seniors began the arduous process of trying to figure out whether to enroll in Medicare Part D and which of 47 different private prescription drug plans might be best for them.  This morning, Marylanders searching the Medicare web site with the assistance of a few dozen knowledgeable volunteers at a Baltimore County Department of Aging event grew distressed and discouraged.  The web site crashed often.  Those who did get through found that the site still lacks complete information about participating pharmacies, covered medicines, and copayments.  Many found that the popular brand name drugs they need are not being offered under the more affordable plan options.   It is an outrage that Maryland seniors would be expected to make such an important and complex decision without all the necessary facts.

“What occurred in Baltimore County today was replicated in thousands of senior centers across the country.   It didn’t have to be this way.  If the Ways and Means Committee had adopted the Cardin Amendment, seniors today would be able to choose a guaranteed plan, administered by Medicare, with affordable copayments, access to all medically necessary prescription drugs, and with predictable out-of-pocket costs. 

“I opposed this bill when it was considered by Congress.   I have proposed legislation that would make prescription drug coverage a guaranteed benefit within the Medicare program.  It also it would allow the federal government to negotiate lower drug costs, as the VA does, to get the best possible price for prescription medicines.  In addition, it would protect retiree health care plans that now offer prescription drug coverage.

“As more and more seniors struggle to understand the confusing maze of Medicare Part D, I believe there will be a national outcry to change the law.”