Cardin Votes To Override President’s Veto Of Stem Cell Research Bill

House Was Unsuccessful in Overriding Veto

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin has voted to override President Bush’s veto of the bipartisan stem cell research bill (HR. 810), which had passed both the House and Senate by large margins.

“I am extremely disappointed that the President has decided to use the first veto of his presidency on a bill that has the potential to help millions of Americans who suffer from such disabling ailments as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and stroke and spinal cord injuries,” said Rep. Cardin, a co-sponsor of the stem cell research bill.

“I have met with scientists from our nation’s leading research institutions and they talk at great length about the promise that stem cell research holds.  This veto is a tragedy for the millions of Americans who could benefit from this research, and it is a tragedy for the our scientific community, which is poised to pursue the promise held by stem cell research.”

In 2005, the House passed HR 810 by a vote of 238 to 194; earlier this week the Senate passed it by a vote of 63 to 37.  The Congress was not able to override the President’s veto.
