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Congressman Hoyer Secures Funds for Whitman-Walker Clinic

Funding Will Help Clinic Better Serve Over 16,000 Residents in Metro Region

Friday, November 18, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC – Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today announcing that at his request, the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Conference Report for FY 2006, approved by the House of Representatives today, included $650,000 in federal funds for Whitman-Walker Clinic (WWC), a nationally recognized non-profit health care provider of HIV care and social services.

“This funding will provide Whitman-Walker Clinic with the resources they need to move forward in improving the overall quality of care at the Clinic and to better provide services to the 16,000 people they serve each year.

“Whitman-Walker Clinic operates three facilities in the greater Washington, DC metropolitan area that offer HIV care and social services to thousands of citizens. The health services that WWC provides are vital to the entire Washington Metropolitan community.

“This funding will help Whitman-Walker continue its efforts to improve the care and services it provides to its clients,” Hoyer said. “Funds would be used for upgrades to its technology infrastructure, including an electronic medical records system in order to better manage patient care, and upgrades to billing and financial accounting systems. These improvements will assist Whitman-Walker in its efforts to provide high-quality comprehensive and accessible health care and community services throughout the region.”

Roberta Geidner-Antoniotti, interim executive director of Whitman-Walker Clinic, said the clinic was extremely grateful for these funds. “This is excellent news,” she said. “The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to ravage our nation, and Washington, DC, has one of the highest infection rates of any major city in America. As the clinic comes out of one of the most difficult financial years in our history, these funds will help us continue to provide state-of-the art care to our clients, which is our No. 1 priority.”


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