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Monday, November 13, 2006
Office of the Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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Multimedia Clips

Whip Hoyer Criticizes the House Republicans for Abandoning Pay-Go Rules   Jun 24, 2004 [TRANSCRIPT]

» Hoyer on MSNBC on the New Democratic Majority and the Leadership Election, November 09, 2006
Democratic Whip Hoyer discusses being invited to the White House, and the priorities of the new Democratic Majority...

» Whip Hoyer on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, October 05, 2006
Hoyer on the Foley scandal, and the Republican's lack of accountability...

» Steny Hoyer, Charles Rangel, and Dick Armey on CNBC's "Kudlow & Company", September 22, 2006
discussing the need for bi-partisanship in Congress, the Democratic economic plan, Hugo Chavez, and other issues...

» Republican's Attempt to Disenfranchise Large Numbers of Legal Voters, September 20, 2006
...it's unconstitutional because it undermines the ability of americans to vote...

» Whip Hoyer on the Do-Less-Than-Do-Nothing Congress, September 07, 2006
This is about politics not policy. The policy I'm going to support. This is about politics. it's about the election of one member in a very hotly contested race in New York...

» Whip Hoyer with Democratic Senators on the Failed Republican National Security Policies, September 05, 2006
Republicans have dubbed this month 'Security September,' in an openly cynical attempt to use our nation's security in a political gamble to save their Congressional majority...

» Whip Hoyer on News Channel 8's "Newstalk", August 01, 2006
Hoyer discusses the Middle East, Energy, Minimum Wage, and more.

» Whip Hoyer on CNBC's "Kudlow & Company", July 26, 2006
Hoyer on his new PROGRESS Act for Energy Independence...

» Whip Hoyer on ABC's Capital Sunday with Leon Harris, July 23, 2006
Hoyer speaks on the crisis in the Middle East, Bush's stem-cell veto, and Hoyer's new energy independence proposal...

» Whip Steny Hoyer on Renewing the Voting Rights Act, July 13, 2006
...while our nation has made tremendous strides in its ongoing quest to guarantee the ideals of our Constitution, the specter of discrimination still haunts us and our people...


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