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Monday, November 13, 2006
Office of the Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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» 2006 Presidential Budget Clearinghouse Home
» Defense
» Democratic Leaders' Statements
» Economy
» Editorials on Bush's FY06 Budget
» Education
» Environment
» Fact Sheets and Statements From The Blue Dog Democrats
» Fact Sheets and Statements on the 2006 Republican Budget From Outside Think Thanks
» Fact Sheets and Statements on the 2006 Republican Budget From Religious Groups and Organizations
» Fact Sheets and Statements on the 2006 Republican Budget From The Democratic Rural Working Group
» Health Care
» Homeland Security
» How The 2006 Republican Budget Hurts African Americans
» How The 2006 Republican Budget Hurts Hispanic Americans
» How The 2006 Republican Budget Hurts Women
» How The 2006 Republican Budget Hurts Young People
» Science
» Small Business
» Social Security
» Veterans
On this Page
» Democrats

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November 13, 2006

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