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Monday, November 13, 2006
Office of the Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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» Maryland lawmaker pledges to fight for Lewis & Clark water, April 16, 2004
A senior member of the House Appropriations Committee says he can make a good argument to President Bush about the value of the Lewis & Clark water pipeline project, even though the president isn't a fan of the spending.

» House Leadership Profile: Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, April 03, 2004
At 64, Hoyer is, in the main, the model of civility, a legislative veteran of almost four decades whose fierce advocacy and party loyalty are tempered by a respectful manner and a rare drive to work with all of his congressional colleagues.

» Democrats pleased with job growth but add there's a long way to go , April 02, 2004
Congressional Democrats say they're pleased with the big jump in the number of jobs created last month.

» Pairing Up for Parity , April 01, 2004
Advocates of pay parity won the day Wednesday, when an overwhelming majority of House lawmakers voted for a resolution supporting military-civilian pay parity in 2005.

» Dems together on budget, March 30, 2004
House Democrats will attempt today to force Republicans to retreat from a key provision in their budget, hoping to repeat last year’s victory in which the GOP leaders released their rank-and-file members and allowed them to vote for the Democrats’ motion to instruct conferees.

» Budget Battle Heads to Floor, March 23, 2004
As House Republicans work to build support for the fiscal 2005 budget, Democrats head into this week’s vote confident that their own Members will unanimously oppose the GOP bill.

» House Dems launch spring offensive on Medicare law, March 23, 2004
House Democrats fanned across the country last weekend for a spring offensive on the new prescription-drug program, holding more than 70 town-hall meetings.

» Ethics Truce Frays in House , March 17, 2004
A seven-year ethics truce between congressional Republicans and Democrats has begun to fray under the weight of mounting alleged abuses by House GOP leaders and tensions among Democrats over how aggressively to pursue the matters.

» Dems urge White House restraint on whistleblower, March 16, 2004
Democrats are urging President Bush not to retaliate against a whistleblower who spoke out on alleged White House efforts to suppress Medicare program.

» Deficit Sparks Family Feud Among House Republicans, March 13, 2004
Lawmakers are split on spending caps and tax cuts as they try to build a budget for fiscal 2005


Displaying Articles 1 to 10 of 325
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