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U.S. Flag and Missouri State Flag Kit Bond, Sixth Generation Missourian
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2002 Photos

Bond and other Senate Republicans held a press conference criticizing the Democrats for not passing a budget, which has not happened since 1974.

Bond honored fallen Missouri firefighters at a memorial dedication in Kingdom City.

Bond and Abraham Foxman (Nat'l Director of the Anti Defamation League) talk at the League Dinner.

At Mid Tech in St. Louis Bond advocated for Association Health Plans for small businesses, which have limited access to and few choices for insurance.

Bond briefed local public health experts on federal efforts to boost bioterrorism preparedness at St. Louis' Barnes Jewish Hospital.

Bond was named 'Legislator of the Year' by the Biotechnology Industry Organization

At Bi-State Bond announced that he secured $3 million for St. Louis' bus and public transportation needs.

Bond confirmed that the Republic of Korea has decided to purchase 40 St. Louis-built F-15K fighters for approximately $4 billion.

At the Fire and Rescue Training Institute Fire School Bond discussed his legislation to protect local communities from terrorist attacks at chemical plants.

Bond sponsored a Small Business Homeland Security Expo in Washington, DC which featured a number of Missouri-based small businesses.

More pics from the Homeland Security Expo.

Bond spoke with local firefighters about his efforts to help emergency responders across the country.

Bond made good on his Super Bowl wager by bringing Missouri pork from Missouri to Washington. Bond had made a bet Lincoln Chafee (R-RI).

Bond was introduced to the Bald Eagle Challenger, who is named in honor of the space shuttle crew. Challenger is cared for by the American Eagle foundation.

Bond, joined by Representative Kenny Hulshof, reaffirmed his committment to Missouri farmers at the Audrain County Farm Bureau legislative banquet in Columbia.

In light of the Courtney case, Bond met wtih officials from the FDA, the Nat'l Association of Boards of Pharmacy and local doctors to discuss oversight procedures.

At the Missouri State Fair Bond voted in the straw poll.

At the Missouri State Fair Bond met with farmers from across the state.

At the Missouri State Fair Bond met with local firefighters.

During a two-week tour of Missouri fire departments Bond discuss the details of his bill to strengthen the nation's first line of defense against terrorist attacks.

Bond celebrated the Fourth of July in Missouri at the 'I Love America' Extravaganza.

Bond and Representative Blunt met with board members from the Community Health Center of Springfield.

At the ribbon cutting celebrating the completion of additional lanes to Highway 63 Bond presented the 'Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway' sign to CO Clements who was instrumental in renaming a section of the highway.

At the Lock & Dam 21 North of Hannibal, Bond met with MARC 2000 members.

Bond met with women's tennis legend Martina Navratilova to stress the importance of physical education.

Bond testified before the State legislature in support of John Cauthorn's legislation to help fight Meth in Missouri.

Bond announced another $88,000 in federal funds to help local law enforcement continue the fight against methamphetamine drug trade.

At the Eagle Forum Collegian Conference with Phyllis Schalfly, Bond discussed election fraud.

At the ribbon cutting for the new St. Joe port Bond stressed that the health of Northwest Missouri's economy depends on its river transportation infrastructure.

Anheuser-Busch presented the Paralyzed Veterans of America with a check for a program to give paralyzed veterans increased access to the outdoors.

Bond helped open a renovated laboratory in the University of Missouri-Columbia agriculture building.

Bond held a press conference in St. Louis in celebration of approval of his landmark election reform legislation, where he was joined by Ritzy Mekler, the dog who registered to vote in St. Louis.

Jim Robinson, Jr. from Pinhood, MO testified at Bond's request before the Senate EPW Committee spoke to the state's dire need of flood control assistance after decades of continued delays.

Bond was recognized for his work to increase federal support for basic science and engineering research with a 'Wheaties' award from the Science Coalition.

Bond, as a key negotiator on the Republican side, attended the signing ceremony at the White House, during which the President thanked him for his hard work.

Bond announced $1.5 million for a weapons of mass destruction initiative for Missouri Task Force One.

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