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The Daily Whip · (202) 225-3130


2:00 p.m.: Legislative Business


Unlimited "One Minutes"

7:00 p.m.

Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.


Suspensions (6 bills):

1)     H.Res. 641 - Supporting the goals and ideals of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month (Rep. Platts - Government Reform)

2)     S. 2640 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1050 North Hills Boulevard in Reno, Nevada, as the "Guardians of Freedom Memorial Post Office Building" and to authorize the installation of a plaque at such site (Sen. Ensign - Government Reform)

3)     S. 2214 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3150 Great Northern Avenue in Missoula, Montana, as the "Mike Mansfield Post Office" (Sen. Burns - Government Reform)

4)     S. 2693 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1475 Western Avenue, Suite 45, in Albany, New York, as the "Lieutenant John F. Finn Post Office" (Sen. Schumer - Government Reform)

5)     H.Res. 750 - Recognizing the 130th anniversary of the creation of lifesaving stations on the Great Lakes, which became part of the United States Life-Saving Service (Rep. McCotter - Transportation & Infrastructure)

6)     H.J.Res. 110 - Recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge during World War II (Rep. Hastert - International Relations)


Possible Motion to go to Conference on H.R. 4548 - Intelligence Authorization for FY 2005.  Democratic Motion to Instruct Conferees.


The GOP Leadership has announced the following schedule: On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business to consider sixteen bills under Suspension of the Rules.

"This week, Republicans are expected to propose raising the federal debt limit by $690 billion. It will be the third time the Bush administration has had to request a higher debt limit since 2002. While in the minority, Republicans used rising deficits - and the consequent need to raise the debt limit - as a club to take back control of the House. This time, GOP leaders are expected to move the measure as discreetly as possible, perhaps tucked into an end-of-session spending bill... The specter of mushrooming federal debt could also open a rift in GOP ranks between the White House and conservatives who say they have been holding their fire on deficits until after Nov. 2 elections."


- The Christian Science Monitor story, today

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