
October 26, 2005

Reid: President's Misplaced Economic Policies Are Hurting Working Families

Washington, DC – Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today on the president’s misplaced economic priorities:

“Today, working families are facing difficult choices caused a drop in their wages and the increased costs for nearly everything from gasoline and home heating to prescription drugs and college tuition. The squeeze has left these families wondering how bad it has to get before their government will take action to provide them relief. If these families listened to the president’s recycled rhetoric today, they would know that their wait will only continue.

“While the president is trying to change the subject from his political problems, Democrats remain focused on the American people’s priorities. That is why we are offering solutions that will provide meaningful relief to problems faced by America’s working families. We are working to put America on the path towards energy independence, stop oil companies from gouging consumers and provide assistance for families this winter to stay warm. We are working to lower health care costs by allowing for the federal government to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs and ending giveaways to the special interests. And we are committed to a tax code that treats working families fairly and does not spend billions more on tax breaks for the wealthiest among us.

“At a time of record budget and trade deficits, we must not pass on even more debt to our children. That is why we will continue to stand up against the Republican’s immoral budget that increases the deficit and cuts assistance for American families all to spend billions more on tax breaks for the wealthy. Together, we can do better for working families.”



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Today in the Senate
November 13:

The Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. and will be in a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.

The Senate may proceed to consideration of H.R. 5385, the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act during Monday's session.

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