
January 4, 2006

Reid Announces Energy Independence 2020 Program

Plan would increase America’s security and reduce skyrocketing energy prices

LAS VEGAS, NV -- Envisioning a program like what the Apollo Project was for the race to space, U.S. Senator Harry Reid announced his Energy Independence by 2020 campaign today. Reid will work with his Senate Democratic Colleagues on a plan to expand domestically produced, sustainable energy in order to increase America’s security, reduce skyrocketing energy prices and improve the environment.

Reid made his announcement at a local Las Vegas home powered entirely by solar energy. Central to Reid’s strategy for American energy independence is the continued development of renewable energy resources.

“Tapping into renewable energy as a viable power source is not just a distant concept,” Reid said. “Today, more and more homes like this one are powered by renewable resources, drastically reducing energy costs. With a massive commitment of Federal resources to energy research and production, like what the Apollo Project was for the race to space, we can build on current technology and ingenuity and make America energy independent by the year 2020.”

A major component of The Energy Independence 2020 campaign includes an initiative to diversify and expand our energy supplies. Building on current resources and technology, the initiative would establish a national electricity standard that requires greater use of renewable energy, enhance incentives for energy production from solar, wind and geothermal resources, increase dramatically the production of domestically grown biofuels, support the development of a hydrogen community, promote advanced clean coal technology and encourage construction of the Alaskan natural gas pipeline.

Highlighting current uses of renewable energy resources and future prospects, Reid was joined by leaders in the renewable energy field including homeowner Chris Brooks, business entrepreneur Tim Carlson, President and CEO of Powered by Renewables, Rose McKinney-James, member of the Nevada Renewable Energy Task Force and Dr. John Sagebiel, a leading Nevada scientist.

Reid added, “Devoting resources to Energy Independence 2020 will create millions of new highly skilled, well-paid jobs, keep hundreds of billions of dollars in the US that would otherwise continue flowing to oil-producing countries and cement America as the leader in energy efficient product manufacturing and exporting.

“I want to make sure that national commitment to renewable energy begins right here in Nevada.”

Other components of the Energy Independence 2020 would prevent oil company price gouging, market manipulation and disaster profiteering, create gasoline and jet fuel reserves, provide consumers with more fuel efficient vehicles, increase mass transit use, improve air traffic to shorten flight times and invest in math and science education for the next generation of energy engineers.

Energy Independence 2020

The Federal government must do a better job of protecting consumers, businesses, and farmers burdened by today’s skyrocketing energy prices. We must also break our country’s dangerous reliance on foreign energy. With leadership and vision, we can help ensure low cost supplies of sustainable energy that will improve America’s security, reduce the burden on middle class families, and help clean our environment.

To make America energy independent by the year 2020. We plan to:

Reduce Burdens on Consumers and the Environment

  • Prevent oil company price gouging, market manipulation, and disaster profiteering

  • Increase energy market transparency and consumer choice at the pump

  • Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit to cover increased household energy costs

  • Provide car buyers with accurate fuel economy information

  • Protect pristine public lands from short-sighted oil and gas exploitation

  • Enhance funding for weatherization and low-income energy assistance in all climates

Launch an Apollo Project for Energy

  • Free the US from foreign oil by 2020 by supporting research, development, and production of alternative energy sources.

Diversify and Expand Our Energy Supplies

  • Establish a national electricity standard that requires greater use of renewable energy

  • Enhance incentives for energy production from solar, wind, and geothermal

  • Increase dramatically the production of domestically grown biofuels

  • Increase environmentally friendly extraction of oil and gas from existing domestic sources

  • Encourage construction of the Alaskan natural gas pipeline

  • Support the development of a hydrogen economy

  • Promote deployment of advanced clean coal technology with carbon capture and storage

Improve Energy Security and Reduce Price Volatility

  • Create geographically diverse strategic gasoline and jet fuel reserves

  • Streamline fuel specifications while maintaining state clean air protections

  • Encourage the development of a smarter and more distributed electricity system

Reduce Demand for Oil and Natural Gas

  • Lower petroleum use in the federal fleet and improve government conservation efforts

  • Provide consumers with more fuel efficient vehicle choices

  • Develop renewable substitutes to replace natural gas use in the petrochemical industry

  • Improve infrastructure and electricity options for hybrids and plug-in hybrids

  • Increase mass transit use and incentivize transit-oriented development

  • Improve air traffic management to shorten flight times

  • Reduce tractor trailer fuel needs by improving aerodynamics, logistics, and idling

Invest in Energy Efficiency and American Jobs

  • Update efficiency standards for appliances and small engines

  • Invest in math and science education for the next generation of energy engineers

  • Ensure access to worker training and retraining in advanced energy technologies

  • Leverage trade relationships to maintain competitiveness of energy-intensive U.S. manufacturers



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Today in the Senate
November 13:

The Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. and will be in a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.

The Senate may proceed to consideration of H.R. 5385, the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act during Monday's session.

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