
March 16, 2006


Washington, DCSenate Democratic Leader Harry Reid released the following statement on the final passage of the Republican budget that is fiscally irresponsible, makes middle-class life less affordable, and does not do enough to protect Americans:

“American families deserve a better budget than the budget Senate Republicans passed today. This budget is fiscally irresponsible, will make life more expensive for already stretched middle-class families and does not do nearly enough to protect Americans from terrorism. Republicans rejected numerous Democratic initiatives to improve this budget but instead decided to support this bad budget. Democrats know that America can do better than this immoral and irresponsible budget.”



Republicans Rejected Protecting Americans from the Avian Flu. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Conrad’s amendment to provide the real investment necessary to protect Americans from a potential avian flu pandemic. The amendment would have provided $5 billion to prepare for a pandemic and invest in finding an effective vaccine. [RC 55, S.Amdt. 3133 to S.Con.Res. 83, 44-55, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Protecting Americans from Terrorism. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Lieberman’s amendment to provide the needed investment to protect Americans from terrorism. Senator Lieberman’s amendment would have provided $8 billion in much-needed funds to meet pressing government-wide homeland security needs – including funding for first responders, port security, chemical security , rail and transportation security, FEMA and the Coast Guard. [RC 59, S.Amdt. 3034 to S.Con.Res. 83, 43-53, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Securing the Health Care of our Veterans. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Stabenow’s amendment to make veterans health care funding mandatory to ensure that the growing health care needs of America’s veterans are met. [RC 63, S.Amdt. 3141 to S.Con.Res. 83, 45-55, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Investing in Education. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Akaka’s amendment to increase funding for No Child Left Behind by providing an additional $1 billion in Title I funding. [RC 64, S.Amdt. 3071 to S.Con.Res. 83, 49-51, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Making Life More Affordable for Rural Americans. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Lincoln’s amendment to make life more affordable for rural Americans by supporting conservation, rural development, research and extension, nutrition and forestry programs. [RC 66, S.Amdt. 3106 to S.Con.Res. 83, 48-52, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Supporting Our Veterans. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Kerry’s amendment to eliminate a tripling of fees for veterans in the TRICARE health care program. [RC 67, S.Amdt. 3143 to S.Con.Res. 83, 46-53, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Supporting Afterschool Programs. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Boxer’s amendment to support 21st Century Community Learning Centers that provide critical afterschool programs that help families. [RC 69, S.Amdt. 3105 to S.Con.Res. 83, 43-57, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Protecting Families from Unneeded Cuts. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Bingaman’s amendment to block an amendment that would have stripped language in the budget that will hold farm programs, veterans, Social Security, and Medicaid hostage to rising health care costs by creating automatic cuts once an arbitrary level of spending is reached in the Medicare program. This provision will make it harder to address Medicare financing in the future. [RC 70, S.Amdt. 3121 to S.Con.Res. 83, 50-50, 3/16/06]

Republicans Rejected Fixing the Medicare Drug Bill. Senate Republicans rejected Senator Stabenow’s amendment to create a Medicare administered drug benefit under Medicare Part D. [RC 71, S.Admt. 3164 to S.Con.Res. 83, 39-60, 3/16/06]



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Today in the Senate
November 13:

The Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. and will be in a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.

The Senate may proceed to consideration of H.R. 5385, the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act during Monday's session.

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