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Press Release
Congressman George Miller (D-California, 7th District)
Committee on Education and the Workforce, Committee on Resources

For Immediate Release / Contact: Daniel Weiss

George Miller's Statement on the Death
of Congressman Robert Matsui

Sunday, January 2, 2005

"I am deeply saddened by the death yesterday of Bob Matsui, a close personal friend and colleague for more than two decades. My thoughts are with Bob's wife and the rest of his family.

"Bob Matsui was one of the toughest and most morally principled people in public service. His vision of fairness and principle for how to take care of the disadvantaged and poor was unparalleled in the political arena. His vision of right and wrong always guided him in the complex and politically challenging policy fights in Congress over welfare reform, taxes, pensions, and social security, issues in which he was a recognized leader.

"Bob was one of the most decent and hardworking members of Congress and he remained a very decent human being. Anyone who knew him would agree that he never let politics erode his sense of humanity.

"I will personally miss Bob. The Democratic Caucus will miss his tremendous contributions toward the difficult challenges that lie ahead. But Californians, and people throughout the country, can feel very proud today of the many contributions Bob Matsui has made to make America a better country and for the way that he carried himself as a politician and public servant."



U.S. House of Representatives Seal
Congressman George Miller
2205 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2095