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Press Releases

Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on 1800 Jobs, Critical Fund for New Hampshire Roads

September 9, 2008

Concord, NH--- Last week, U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said that the Federal Highway Trust Fund would face serious financial problems without Congressional action to transfer $8 billion from the Treasury’s general fund. Without this critical transfer, New Hampshire would lose roughly $52 million and 1800 jobs.

In July, Congressman Hodes joined a bipartisan group of New Hampshire leaders to urge Senator Judd Gregg to withdraw his opposition to the $52 million in funding and 1800 jobs for New Hampshire. He also voted with a bipartisan majority in the U.S. House to provide these critical funds for New Hampshire.

"As Congress reconvenes this week, I again urge Senator Gregg to join a bipartisan group of New Hampshire leaders to support funding for New Hampshire’s roads. Without this critical funding, New Hampshire could lose an additional 1800 jobs and our commuters will be sitting in traffic even longer. With rising gas prices and continuing economic struggles, New Hampshire cannot afford to lose this support."
