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Press Releases

Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on Passage of Funding for Highway Trust Fund

September 11, 2008

Washington, DC--- Congressman Paul Hodes released the following statement regarding the passage of the funding for the highway trust fund that will bring $52 million and 1800 jobs to New Hampshire. Congressman Hodes co-sponsored the legislation, HR 6532, that passed the House of Representative today and will head to President Bush for his signature. In July, Congressman Hodes joined a bipartisan group of New Hampshire leaders to urge passage of the transfer and also voted with a bipartisan majority in the U.S. House to provide these critical funds for the Granite State.

"I want to commend the bipartisan group of leaders in Congress and in New Hampshire that worked to bring this funding and keep these jobs in the Granite State. With rising gas prices and continuing economic struggles, New Hampshire could not afford to lose this critical funding and thanks to a bipartisan effort more help is on the way."
