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Issue Statements



Rising gasoline prices and increased overall energy costs have underscored the critical need for energy independence through a more affordable and environmentally-friendly American energy supply.

For current gas price relief and long-term energy independence, Congressman Sessions believes that Congress must increase supply by opening American resources to energy production and decrease demand by prioritizing energy efficiency and alternative, renewable energy development. Congressman Sessions’ energy policy priorities include the following goals: 

1. INCREASE PRODUCTION in an environmentally-safe way
• Expand exploration of next generation oil, natural gas, and coal
• Promote clean coal-to-liquid and recover vast oil shale reserves
• Reduce our dependence of foreign and often unfriendly sources

• Non-emission nuclear power
• Renewable solar, wind, and hydroelectric power
• Geothermal power

• Expedite the energy production permitting process
• Improve environmental review
• Remove boutique fuel blends requirements

• Increased CAFE standards so cars use fuel more efficiently (H.R. 6)
• Provide tax incentives to make homes and businesses more efficient
• Promote solar, fuel cell, and fiber-optic distributed sunlight investment credits

Energy independence is critical to the success of every American family, business, and community. From rising food costs to soaring gas prices, North Texans are currently burdened with cost of living increases, limiting their ability to make ends meet and invest in the future. And with average gas prices over $4 a gallon, the American people are fed up with paying the price for political games against American-made energy production, resulting in higher prices and a dangerous dependence on foreign oil.

Congressman Sessions joins North Texas Members at press conference on high gas prices. (June 17, 2008)

In pursuit of the above four energy independence goals, Congressman Sessions is joining energy independence supporters in Congress in signing petitions to force votes on real energy solutions, both short-term and long-term, through common-sense legislation each session week this summer:

1. H.R. 3089, No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007 (Week of June 9)
Reduces the price of gasoline by opening new American oil refineries; investing in clean energy sources such as wind, nuclear, and captured carbon dioxide; and making available more American energy through environmentally-sensitive exploration of the Arctic Energy Slope (ANWR in Alaska) and America’s Deep-Sea Energy Reserves.

2. H.R. 2279, To Expand American Refining Capacity on Closed Military Installations (Week of June 16)
Reduces the price of gasoline by streamlining the refinery application process and by requiring the President to open at least three closed military installations for the purpose of siting new and reliable American refineries.

3. H.R. 5656, To Repeal the Ban on Acquiring Alternative Fuels (Week of June 23)
Reduces the price of gasoline by allowing the federal government to procure advanced alternative fuels derived from alternative sources like oil shale, tar sands and coal-to-liquid technology.

4. H.R. 2208, Coal-to-Liquid Fuel Act (Week of July 7)
Reduces the price of gasoline by encouraging the use of clean coal-to-liquid technology and authorizing the Secretary of Energy to enter into loan agreements with coal-to-liquid projects that produce innovative transportation fuel.

5. H.R. 2493, Fuel Mandate Reduction Act of 2007 (Week of July 14)
Reduces the price of gasoline by removing fuel blend requirements and onerous government mandates found contributing to unaffordable gas prices.

6. H.R. 6107, American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act (Week of July 21)
Reduces the price of gasoline by opening the Arctic Energy Slope in Alaska to environmentally-sensitive American energy exploration. The development footprint would be limited to 0.01% of the Refuge, and revenue received from the new leases would be invested in a long-term alternative energy trust fund.

7. H.R. 6108, Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2008 (Week of July 28)
Reduces the price of gasoline by enabling the United States to responsibly explore its own deep ocean to produce American energy. The bill would grant coastal states the authority to keep exploration 100 miles from their coastlines and would allow states to share in the revenues received.

America’s dependence on foreign oil and the resulting high gas prices affect every American family, business, and school. Congressman Sessions believes that it is past time to champion American-made energy. The prosperity of the United States and its economy depends on it.

Related Records:

Recent Press Releases*

September 2008

August 2008

July 2008

June 2008

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