Pete's Blog

Issue Statements

Health Care & Disabilities

Health Care & Disabilities

Since Congressman’s Sessions’ election to Congress in 1996, he has been actively involved in health care issues and has pledged support to several health care-related bills. Health insurance should be available to any and every American, and Sessions intends to continue to work towards finding a way that this can be accomplished.

Americans are fortunate to have access to the world’s most leading-edge health care innovations and freedom to choose their health care providers. However, access to inexpensive and high-quality health care in the U.S. is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. The federal tax code, combined with federal and state regulations and mandates, defines our health insurance system. A World War II-era federal tax code continues to serve as the foundation for the health insurance system’s framework and results in some Americans getting generous health insurance benefits.

Approximately 45 percent of the insurance market (health plans purchased by large employers) can take advantage of the World War II-era tax code incentives and are also able to bypass burdensome state mandates as a result of the Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). ERISA allows large employers to preempt state laws that regulate the business of health insurance, thus allowing large employers to bypass the costly mandates that are often implemented by states. Meanwhile, the remaining 55 percent of the insured marketplace must adhere to state-regulated health plans – most of these people either work or own small businesses or purchase insurance in the individual market.

State governments have contributed to the difficulty of those seeking insurance in the individual and small business insurance markets. Unfortunately for many Americans, simply having the wrong address can lead to much higher insurance costs. The heavily regulated insurance laws and unfair tax codes have led to an insurance market in which only a few insurance companies have the incentive to offer coverage. As a result, many insurance companies have consolidated, leaving Americans with fewer insurance company choices.

Congressman Sessions believes that the federal government must strengthen the market-based health insurance market by addressing the regulatory and tax obstacles that stand in the way of a more efficient and cheaper health insurance market. His health care plan consists of a system in which all Americans are provided with the same tax benefits, access to many more insurance plans than they have now, and special assistance for those who are not able to obtain insurance either due to their conditions or income levels.

Congressman Sessions wants Texas to lead the way in helping individuals that may not otherwise be able to find personal health insurance. Health insurance is and will always remain a primary concern for Congressman Sessions and he will continue to keep health insurance at the forefront of his priorities.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 
Dallas has recently been selected as one of ten American communities to receive information from the CMS about a new program that will lower costs for certain medical equipment and supplies by changing how Medicare pays for these items. The CMS will include in these postal mailings a brochure about the program as well as a list of Medicare contract suppliers in the city's area. Similar information will also be sent to local partner groups and durable medical equipment referral agents, such as hospital discharge planners, physicians' office staff and home health agency social workers. Mailings will be sent to beneficiaries starting July 1st.

If you would like more information about this program, please visit the CMS website.

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