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Issue Statements



Trade is one of the cornerstones of America’s relations with other nations. Trade promotes economic freedoms, alleviates poverty, and builds more prosperous neighbors and better relationships between countries.

Throughout his six terms in Congress, Congressman Sessions has been a leader in trade and foreign relations matters. He believes that these crucial issues are the keys to Texas’ economic resurgence, as well as the building block of America’s current and future economic prosperity and global leadership. Sessions is a national leader in the fight to open foreign markets to American goods and services, and to ensure that American consumers enjoy the benefits of imports.

Trade Promotion Authority

In August of 2002, Congress reinstated Trade Promotion Authority for the President, in order to jump-start our nation’s stalled trade policy. The reinstatement of Trade Promotion Authority has given the President the ability to negotiate and bring back trade agreements to Congress designed to eliminate trade barriers relating to goods, services, agriculture, intellectual property, and other areas. It also preserves United States sovereignty while enabling new trade agreements to spur economic growth, improve efficiency and innovation, create better, high-paying jobs for hard-working Americans, and increase the availability of competitively priced products in the U.S. markets.

The Bush Administration has since negotiated Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with a group of countries and regions that will enhance economic growth, foster democracy and stability, build alliances to help us in other negotiations and ultimately raise the standard of living for all parties involved.

Free Trade Agreements

Congressman Sessions is a strong proponent of FTAs. FTAs have paved the way for slashing red tape and barriers to free market competition, and they also offer improved dispute resolution for resolving future disagreements. They have generated opportunities and jobs for U.S. workers and businesses, and have provided access to affordable products for consumers.

Many important FTAs have been passed during Congressman Sessions’ six terms in Congress. In 2003, in the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation to implement FTAs with Singapore and Chile, and he voted in favor of both of these, serving as one of the lead House sponsors of the Singapore FTA.

In 2004, the House signed a Trade and Investment Framework agreement with Afghanistan (TIFA), a major accomplishment in the transition of Afghanistan from an oppressive Taliban regime to a free and growing democratic society. Also in 2004, legislation was passed for FTAs with Australia and Morocco. After much consideration in 2005, legislation was passed for the Dominican Republic—Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA). Most recently, an FTA with Malaysia was approved by the House in 2006, with significant support from Congressman Sessions.

Congressman Sessions will continue to support legislation for FTAs and similar trade agreements, and will fight to keep markets open for American consumers.

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