U.S. Congressman Adam Putnam, Proudly Serving Florida's 12th District

November 11, 2008 - Serving those who served our nation

October 28, 2008 - An Update on October Congressional Action

October 23, 2008 - Putnam speech in support of economic rescue plan

October 23, 2008 - Economic Rescue Update

October 3, 2008 - House considers Senate Rescue Plan

September 19, 2008 - Stabilizing the Financial Markets

September 16, 2008 - Energy Bill Update

July 22, 2008 - American Energy Act

July 14, 2008 - President Lifts Executive Ban on Drilling

June 25, 2008 - Time for action on America's energy

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Welcome to the first e-newsletter for the constituents of Florida’s 12th Congressional District


{August 20, 2008}

You are looking at the first e-newsletter specifically designed for constituents of Florida’s 12th Congressional District.  The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with timely information about issues Congress is working on that affect you and that you might not easily find otherwise.
This first issue includes a quick update on two of the most important matters the House of Representatives dealt with earlier this month: The first is an attempt by the new majority to create a huge new entitlement program, and the second is some good news on improving Americas anti-terrorism laws.
Before getting into the details of those stories, I want you to know that this newsletter is also designed to encourage you speak up about the matters most important to you.  Please take a few moments to answer the survey questions at the right or to send an e-mail with your thoughts or questions by using one of the "Contact Adam" buttons on this page.
If you want to receive future issues of this newsletter, simply click on the button in the “Subscribe" box nearby.   Please know that the list of subscribers and their e-mail addresses will not be shared with anyone else and will be used only to send these newsletters and similar updates.  Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Because it is brand new, this newsletter is likely to undergo some changes to make it as interesting and useful to you as possible.  If you have any ideas in that regard, please don’t hesitate to share them.
We must stop a major expansion in government run health care
When Congress returns to Washington in September, the stage has been set for a struggle over an effort to greatly expand a government entitlement program.  Besides being a major expansion in government-run health care, the plan pits seniors against children and raises taxes.  Here’s what happened: Ten years ago, Congress created the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).  This is a well-intentioned program to provide medical insurance coverage to children of low-income families.  That’s a worthy goal that a majority of both political parties support.
Although a bipartisan majority in the House would have supported reauthorizing the existing program, the new Democratic leadership decided this was an opportunity for a $50 billion expansion of the program into a permanent government entitlement.  The measure they passed redefines “low income" in such a way that it can mean as high as 400 percent above the poverty level – for a family of four that’s an income of $82,600.  To illustrate how absurd that would be, one study concludes that under this plan 70,000 families would simultaneously be poor enough to be eligible for SCHIP while also being wealthy enough to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax.  Making matters worse, a New York Times analysis discovered hundreds of millions of dollars in secret earmark spending hidden in this plan.
To pay for this expansion, the plan would raise taxes on private insurance policies to the tune of $375 million in the first year alone, and cut $194 billion in Medicare spending.  Among those hardest hit by the Medicare cuts would be seniors who are participating in the Medicare Advantage program.  In the 12th District these cuts could adversely affect 33,468 seniors.
When Congress reconvenes in September, I will be working to continue to provide needy children with the coverage they require, but I will also work to stop this dramatic expansion of a wasteful, government-run health insurance scheme. 
Closing a loophole for terrorists
On a different note, I am pleased to report that earlier this month the House of Representatives was able to come together to close a loophole in the law that could have been exploited by terrorists bent on doing America harm. 
For too long, a dangerous loophole has existed that allows foreign terrorists to avoid America’s intelligence network. The current law was written in the 1970s and designed for the era of rotary phones and traditional mail, not throwaway cell phones and e-mails that circle the globe at the speed of light. The old law required intelligence agents to seek American warrants to wiretap foreign terrorists. The status quo was absurd, and worse, it was dangerous. 
Fortunately a bipartisan majority came together to close this loophole. Foreign terrorists can no longer hide behind modern technology and elude U.S. intelligence officers simply because they are hiding overseas. This bill allows our intelligence officers to intercept the plans of our enemies overseas, obtaining critical information at the critical time.

Later this fall, Congress may consider other changes in the laws affecting the U. S. Governments ability to combat terrorism.  When it does, a guiding principle for Congress must be its solemn responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens.

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