U.S. Congressman Adam Putnam, Proudly Serving Florida's 12th District

November 11, 2008 - Serving those who served our nation

October 28, 2008 - An Update on October Congressional Action

October 23, 2008 - Putnam speech in support of economic rescue plan

October 23, 2008 - Economic Rescue Update

October 3, 2008 - House considers Senate Rescue Plan

September 19, 2008 - Stabilizing the Financial Markets

September 16, 2008 - Energy Bill Update

July 22, 2008 - American Energy Act

July 14, 2008 - President Lifts Executive Ban on Drilling

June 25, 2008 - Time for action on America's energy

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President lifts ban on exploration, drilling

Congress still must act

The President announced today that he would be lifting the executive ban on producing oil and natural gas from the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).  http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/07/20080714-7.html

The onus now falls squarely on the Congress to pass a comprehensive energy policy that makes us less dependent on unstable nations to run our economy. Just as we worked in 2006 to open parts of the Gulf to environmentally sound exploration, we must work together today to lower the price people are paying for energy and stop lining the pockets of Hugo Chavez and his ilk.

This is one step of an "all the above" energy policy America needs and I support.  New domestic energy exploration should not be limited to the Gulf of Mexico, but should include all of the OCS, the Arctic as well as expanding the use of clean coal technology, nuclear power and wind and solar sources.

Republicans stand ready to work with the Democratic Majority to reduce our nation’s costly dependence on foreign sources of energy, empower states and localities to make decisions regarding energy exploration, and create thousands of good-paying jobs here at home.

Lifting the ban is a key part of an ‘all of the above’ energy plan to lower fuel costs.  Enacting this plan, which would increase production of American energy, improve energy efficiency and conservation, and encourage investment in groundbreaking research in advanced alternative and renewable energy technologies, will signal to the rest of the world that America will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to bring down fuel costs.

It is time for the Democratic leadership to heed the American people’s calls by lifting the ban on deep ocean energy exploration and allowing a vote on the ‘all of the above’ plan to help lower gas prices.

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