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» Politics of Pay, September 04, 2003
The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury and General Government approved legislation Wednesday that includes language supporting military-civilian pay parity and granting civil service employees a 4.1 percent pay raise in 2004. The House Appropriations Committee approved similar legislation in July...
» Precondition for Peace - Security, August 15, 2003
The Bible tells us that men cry out for peace, and there is no peace. Such has been the stark history of humankind. And nowhere is that tragic truth more evident and more long-lived than in the Middle East...
» US Politicians Defend Israel's Security Fence, August 06, 2003
Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - The Israeli security barrier that divides Israel and parts of the West Bank is a "rational response" to security concerns, a U.S. lawmaker said in Jerusalem...
» Democrats Meet Abbas, Sharon in Israel, August 05, 2003
A leading U.S. congressman on Tuesday accused Yasser Arafat of hampering peace efforts and told the new Palestinian prime minister he must take responsibility and strike a deal with Israel...
» Democrats Put on Defensive by G.O.P.'s Israel Policy, August 02, 2003
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 — In the battle for Jewish votes, Representative Tom DeLay of Texas, the House majority leader, undoubtedly scored a few points this week when, during a speech to members of the Israeli parliament, he proclaimed himself "an Israeli at heart"...
» GOP's Power Play, July 26, 2003
Nearly 10 years after winning control of the House by vowing a fairer and more open Congress, Republicans have tossed aside many of the institutional reforms they promised, increasingly employing hard-nosed tactics they decried a decade ago, according to numerous lawmakers and scholars...
» Bill Seeks Same Raise for Military, Civilian Workers; House Measure at Odds With Bush's 'Performance' Plan, July 25, 2003
Military and civilian federal employees alike would get a 4.1 percent pay raise next year under a measure approved yesterday by the House Appropriations Committee.
» GOP thrust energizes Democrats, July 23, 2003
House Democrats head into the August recess furious at Republican leaders who they claim have crossed the acceptable boundaries of partisanship...
» For Hoyer, Maintaining Unity in Face of Defeat, July 22, 2003
WASHINGTON - As the No. 2 Democratic leader in a House dominated by Republicans, Maryland's Steny H. Hoyer is doomed to lose nearly every battle. But these days, he is earning credit for his party's rare victories and for keeping Democrats more united in defeat than at any time in recent memory...
» ...Dems, Allies Campaign Against Prescription Drug Bill, July 18, 2003
House Democrats today announced they would hold a "national day of prescription drug town hall meetings" in Democratic districts across the country Saturday to oppose the Republican approach to a Medicare benefit and to promote what they say is a more generous Democratic alternative...
» Head Start Vote Pulled From Friday's House Floor Schedule, July 16, 2003
Bowing to the concerns of their own caucus — along with expected absenteeism —House Republican leaders decided to pull a reauthorization of Head Start (HR 2210) from Friday's floor schedule...
» Report on Bonuses Raises Ire; Democrats, Unions Angry Again Over 2002 Awards to Political Appointees, July 11, 2003
The Bush administration doled out $ 1.44 million in bonuses to 470 political appointees last year, according to an Office of Personnel Management report.
» Democrats Lash Out at Education Funding in Labor-HHS Appprops Bill, July 10, 2003
The House was poised to pass the massive Labor-Health and Human Services-Education spending bill before adjourning for the week Thursday afternoon. But the massive appropriations bill has drawn harsh criticism from Democrats...
» Democrats Try to Reclaim Rx Issue, July 09, 2003
In an attempt to regain an issue they fear the GOP has snatched away, House Democrats will fan out across the country later this month and host a series of town hall meetings to tell voters why they remain the party to trust on prescription drug reform...
» Dems Declare Political War in the House, June 27, 2003
WASHINGTON — House Democrats have declared war on the Republican leadership, vowing to gum up the legislative process in retaliation for what they say is systematic and unfair treatment by the majority...
» Democrats Urge Bush To Press Hard On Tax Credit, June 26, 2003
WASHINGTON, June 25 -- The top two Congressional Democrats, along with most of the House Democratic caucus, demanded today that President Bush intervene to deliver an increased child tax credit for low-income families this month, but Republican officials said a decision on credits would have to wait for weeks, if not longer...
» Democrats Aim to Hold Jewish Vote, June 19, 2003
House Democrats are pushing back against GOP efforts to woo Jewish voters, putting in place a broad campaign to remind members of the faith that they are best represented by the Democratic Party.
» House Democratic Whip Hoyer Intends to Ask Republicans If They Really Know What Time It Is, June 16, 2003
On Monday, House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland unveiled for reporters the latest prop Democrats will try to use to point out what they regard as shortcomings of House Republicans...
» How House Democrats Got Their Groove Back, June 14, 2003
When Sen. Blanche Lincoln was introduced at a June 11 caucus meeting in the basement of the Capitol, House Democrats received her with a particularly boisterous ovation...
» Democrats Win One Battle, June 08, 2003
Washington - Union pressure, rare harmony among most House Democrats and a coterie of labor-friendly Republicans led by Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) threw the House Republican leadership off their game last week and deep-sixed a bill that would have loosened overtime pay laws...
» 'Family Friendly' Bill to Foster Comp Time Flexibility Gets Laid Off House Schedule, June 07, 2003
House Republican leaders returned from the Memorial Day recess confident that two days was plenty of time to beat back a months-long effort by organized labor to stop passage of legislation allowing employers to grant time off, instead of extra pay, when employees work overtime...
» Hoyer’s No ‘Hammer,’ But Efforts Get Results, June 04, 2003
Tom DeLay (R-Texas) was dubbed “The Hammer” for his approach to rounding up votes when he served as Majority Whip. But the new chief nose-counter for House Democrats appears to be finding success with a much more understated approach to the job...
» Congress may thwart FCC’s media ruling, June 03, 2003
Democratic lawmakers vowed to continue their fight against looser media ownership rules following the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision yesterday to press ahead with controversial deregulation...
» Hoyer Says Dems May Beat Back Comp Time Bill, June 03, 2003
House Minority Whip Hoyer suggested Monday that Democrats might be able to defeat a Republican bill allowing employees to take compensation time instead of paid overtime. House Republican leaders conducted a whip count on the legislation Monday, with an eye on Republicans from districts with a large union presence...
» House Democrats Launch Discharge Petition on Unemployment Bill, May 22, 2003
Senate Counterparts See ‘Disconnect’ Over Debt-Limit Increase Braced for defeat on the tax-cut package, Democrats turned their attention Thursday to issues on which Republicans may be more vulnerable: unemployment and the deficit...


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